How to make an infographic online: five essential free tools

Given the popularity of infographics, you’d be wise to consider using them to help achieve your content marketing goals. They can be great for social sharing, blog fodder and inbound links.

The last time I created an infographic I used – wait for it – Microsoft Excel. Thankfully there are now some far better options, and they’re surprisingly easy to use.

I have compiled five of online tools that will help you to create infographics. They’re all free, though some require registration (or to connect your Twitter or Facebook account) and most have the upgrade options.

Hold on a moment!

Before you begin, consider that many infographics are often – to quote Econsultancy Research Director Linus Gregoriadis – “high on graphics and low on information”.

As such it is important to map out your story / message / goals before starting to work on the design itself.

There’s a great post on the LEWIS PR blog that explains how to optimise an infographic, based around three key questions, which are:

1. What type of infographic do we want, and what type of data will we be collecting?

2. What parts of the infographic do we know already, and which parts will the designer determine?

3. What basic graphic elements would we like to use and how?

Sound advice, and it’s worth remembering that old proverb about “he who fails to plan, plans to fail”.

Ok, let’s now take a look at these lovely tools.


Easelly allows you to create your own infographics using its ‘Vhemes’, which are infographic templates that you can customise. It does a good line in icons and graphics too.


We’ve used Piktochart to create some of our own infographics. It provides you with a choice of six free templates (more are available if you upgrade). Colour themes are easy to change, and you can create charts manually or by uploading CSV files.


Infogram is very easy to use, with six templates, and – infographics aside – it is also great for creating standalone charts.


Creately is a ‘diagramming’ tool, which can help you to wireframe an infographic before putting it into production. It includes a new real-time collaboration feature, allowing you to work on a design with a colleague or client simultaneously.


Visually has templates that allow you to create infographics based around Twitter or Facebook data. Alternatively, and if you don’t have the time to produce your own infographic, then check out the Visually marketplace. They start from $1,495 and typically take at least 18 days to produce.

I’m sure there are some others out there but these tools are all useful in helping you to quickly make infographics online. What others have you seen?

Reposted from:Chris Lake is Director of Product Development at Econsultancy, an entrepreneur and a long-term internet fiend. Follow him on Twitter, Google+ or connect via Linkedin.